San, Diego, California/Taiwan – Serving with Reaching and teaching ministries international



Their Story

My name is Sara Jenkins (Smaha). Originally from Nebraska, I grew up attending church weekly. It was what you do on a Sunday! Our family moved to Glide in 1999. By the time I was in middle school our family’s church attendance fell off.

After graduating from Glide High School in 2008, I attended Oregon State University. While at OSU I was invited to a church with a college ministry and the truth of the Gospel of Jesus was clearly explained and demonstrated to me in this community. This was truly the beginning of a personal understanding of who is God, who is Jesus, and why He is worth my whole life. When I graduated, I had obtained so much more than a degree; I had a vibrant relationship with my Savior and a heart burning to share Him with the world He loves and died for.

So, I went to Asia. Suburban Christian Church in Philomath, OR, and North Umpqua Bible Fellowship supported me to move overseas to learn language and pursue long term partnerships. While I was in Asia, God introduced me to Josh, the man who is now my husband!

Josh and I currently live in San Diego, CA. Josh is a youth pastor and we both also work with Challenge, a campus ministry at San Diego State University. Challenge is passionate about sharing Jesus, discipleship, and sending students to join God’s mission in the world. Josh and I co-lead International Friendship Night, a weekly event for international students to come, share a meal, play fun games, and learn about God and the Bible. We also lead Mandarin conversation groups at our Bible night events.

What happened to Asia?  We see staying 3-5 years in San Diego to invest in ministry and pursue further preparation for long term service overseas. God is so good! We know He is using this time to prepare us for what is to come. Join us as the story continues!

Latest News

September 2022

Baby Update

Introducing Faith Elizabeth Jenkins!

Faith coming into our family has been an exercise of faith, and I’m sure that is no accident! After a longer than expected pregnancy, we all endured a longer than desired labor with some complications, and then little Faith was in the NICU for 5 days while they made extra sure her lungs were clear. Through it all we tangibly felt the Lord sustaining us and giving us grace through the prayers of many, many friends and family. After coming home, Faith has been healthy and very patient with us as new parents. She is almost a whole month old now! She loves to eat, she thankfully loves to sleep, and it seems that curtains and bookshelves are her favorite things to look at right now. What a privilege to see her grow!

The Upper Room young adult and college ministry

…continued during the summer on Thursday nights with weekly volleyball and pizza, followed by a special teaching series focused on the Protestant Reformation — by popular request, I might add! The group really wanted to learn more about church history. If you haven’t dug into this exciting and dramatic historic era, I can’t recommend it enough. A great starting place: “The Unquenchable Flame: Discovering the Heart of the Reformation” by Michael Reeves.

August not only brought our little girl, but also the annual start to the new school year and the Fall semester kick-off at San Diego State and local community colleges. Josh has had his plate full with a newborn and a new semester! Pray for fruitful outreach on campuses as the Lord draws people to Himself, and for our committed students and young adults to grow in their heart for sharing Christ with the lost.

This semester’s teaching series is focused on themes in Scripture. Below, Matt is teaching on “Messiah” during last Thursday’s group. The week before Josh tackled the theme “Covenant” and tomorrow will speak on “The Kingdom of God”.

Until Next time,
Sara, Josh, and Faith Jenkins

Sara & Josh Jenkins

San Diego, California

To help/contribute to Sara & Josh, please contact the church office.

  • Men’s camping trip this weekend!
  • Prayer for international discipleship and leadership development for the Upper Room young adult ministry.
  • For additional qualified and faithful volunteers for youth ministry (one of our awesome volunteer couples is stepping down as they get ready for their baby to be born).
  • Peace in Ukraine and unity amongst believers of all nationalities.